Well, I didn’t start this Tool Auction to be like someone else that’s for sure, we have done things our own way with Tooltique and likewise, this will be very different.
I’m not interested in what others are doing, I’m only interested in what others aren’t doing! And this tool auction is another part of the overall project I have in mind. I know my skill set that involves many other areas that will complement what is needed and that involves building somewhere unique that craftspeople will find interesting.
My view on online auctions is this: Buyers confidence is paramount!
Potentially online auctions are great, sitting in the comfort of your home and delivered a few days after a winning bid has been made. The expectation of that time, until the buyer has received it is heightened, likewise the disappointment if it’s not as advertised.
Now, where eBay is concerned you always get a mixed bag some things are great and some things could be deemed as sheer robbery. When it goes wrong it can get confrontational and some sellers are quite frankly rude. Buyers who experience anything like this are put off and regardless of whether a refund was issued.
eBay has lost many buyers and sellers over the years who will never return and confidence on the site is at an all-time low. Quality and service diminish as the better sellers move away and any reputation eBay gained through them is soon lost.
Many buyers have moved over to the saleroom but is it any better? Buyers will generally be dealt with more professionally as they are dealing with genuine established businesses. But information per lot is very sparse with limited imagery and descriptions, many auction lots have an element of having a punt about them. The additional buyer’s premium added makes them eye-watering.
Let’s not forget that higher buyers premiums have a direct impact on final hammer prices!
So what is needed? Better reliable information & service.
- We have tried to illustrate in our first tool auction what it would look like when tools are shown in detail with multiple images.
- We have also added a viewpoint on antique tools that could be helpful to those unsure of what’s on offer, this is to help with the appeal of the tool and why we feel it’s worthy of being placed in a tool auction.
- We also specialise in the subject of old tools and are not selling things we don’t know about.
- We are experienced with the concept of how tools work and can highlight what is needed.
- We don’t make excuses and treat our customers with respect.
- We do actually care about what the buyer buys and what the prices a seller receives.
To conclude it’s trying to establish a fair place where sellers place what the buyers want. If prices are respectable sellers and aren’t restricted by higher buyer’s premiums then the choice of tools and what’s on offer here will improve. Buyers then get more of what they want.
It’s just a case of keeping the corporates away, with their systems that tip the balance between the seller, the buyer, and the vendor involved.