There are going to be many factors in this website needed to bring together a plethora of interests around the subject of collectible and interesting tools and the makers who made them. We know there are specialists in types and makers of tools and those who understand their market values but this website is being designed to bring this all together in one place. It’s not like everyone that has something to say on the subject has a publishing company to use. Members can share their knowledge by writing articles, share their finds and discuss just every old tool they like, safely within the member community rather than to a wider audience filled with trolls. This is a place where only members can comment on the articles and blogs and add further information if they so choose.
We are investing heavily in this website with in-depth knowledge that allows us to bridge 21st-century tech and the antique tool market. It will be many years before we see a return on our investment but more importantly, once the website tools are completed it will bring the community together for the benefit of all those involved.
Together we can protect and enhance and share knowledge for future generations that can be easily accessed. We also want to attract and develop the historian, researchers within people and create a wiki type knowledge base that can evolve, creating a more in-depth knowledge base that not only tells us how, when, why, etc but also how this relates to rarity, value and the appreciation of toolmakers and their products, their struggles and their achievements.
It’s a big project that requires a community to get involved and this will lead to respected authors and recognition for those who are passionate about their subjects within the huge realm of what is a fascinating subject. The possibilities are endless and the organisation of gatherings and events that can spring up from this are an exciting prospect.
My job in this is to facilitate and help this become a reality but it’s clear this needs others to get involved and help with this legacy for future generations.
We hope you enjoy the journey as much as we do… I’m sure there will be more to come but we all know good things take time and lots of dedication.
Thanks for reading this, Regards Steve