Hi again, it’s been a mind-blowing time bringing together the website over the past few weeks. So many aspects to consider and settings to add and test it’s ridiculous but I can confirm it’s getting there. Ironically not much of it can be seen from the front end but it’s complicated integrating different functions to works seamlessly from the front end.
So you see the members tab added to the website, what’s that all about I hear you ask, well it’s not been fully implemented just yet to join as we want to add more to the ‘my account’ area which only works properly by being a member.
The join now aspect is built but we are working on the benefits of each member to ensure they provide the services they are intended for.
Those used to specialised auctions will know you can’t walk off the street into an auction and start bidding because they usually slide out never to be seen again at the end, so the members account is essential for this reason. It also establishes whether people have some means of payment and not some youngsters having a laugh.
With there being an initial charge we want customers to have something in return so we are expanding on this to facilitate a way to develop the research and share aspects to it.
It’s a nominal annual fee but an important one for the reasons above.
Make sure you add yourself to our mailing list.