It’s understandable if you have been collecting antique tools for a number of years how hard to do the opposite and start thinking about selling them. Usually, collections will have a lot of fond memories and good times attached to them. Parting with any collection can seem traumatic and is usually something that’s put off until it’s too late. When a tool collection has probably taken a collector years to amass it’s difficult to know what to do but being prepared really helps.
I’ve seen countless antique tool collections sold after someone’s passing and it’s difficult for those left behind to know what to do with them or whom to trust. With the market changes and those we once knew not around anymore it may be time to check out a few options whilst you can, boy I know all about these things, having suffered a sudden heart attack 3 years ago. I’m fine now, they patched me up with a stent but it was so easy to ignore and just put it down as an uncomfortable chest.
Sadly there are all too often occasions where these tools are sold to the wrong people, who take advantage of the situation whilst others only see it as a commodity to sell and have little affinity with what they are or represent.
I’d always prefer to meet the collector in person and have a good yarn about the tools and get to know who the collection came from then to hear about them from a loved one but have always found the time to try and make it as painless as possible when this arises.
Anyway, enough about that, what I can say is this I’ve always lived by the rule ‘never do unto others that you would not have done to thyself’ and have never needed to live my life looking over my shoulder. I’m an honest man who works hard to please people and try my utmost to help all I can.
This is the reason I built this additional tool website, so I don’t have to come in as a tool dealer. Some antique tool collections deserve to be represented in their full glory and where a greater proportion of the sale price is paid out to the owner. They also don’t need diluting with run-of-the-mill tools or general household goods that other tool collectors are not interested in.
This antique tools website is known internationally and we have the experience to deliver the goods on this scale.
I’m always open to a conversation regarding how we can help, it also helps put a real person behind my words online. Please get in touch, I’m always interested to hear about tool collections anyway and the person who is behind them.
If in the unfortunate event anyone reading this and have an antique tool collection that was created by a relative or friend we are here to help and advise options on how best to sell it respectfully and with the best potential.
One of the nice aspects we offer is the recording of the tool collection, especially if it’s large enough to warrant a tool auction on its own merit, like the one we did here. READ MORE
This works particularly well when the subject is specific to an area within the subject of antique tools.
Kind Regards Steve