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Antique Tools - Collectable Hand Tool Auction
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I just wanted to update the forum with what’s happening with the auction aspect of the website. As you can appreciate getting out and about this year has been limited for many reasons but protecting those we have contact with has been our priority. This has limited visits to potential sellers but also meeting fellow collectors and dealers who likewise want to keep themselves and others safe.
It’s certainly a frustrating time but safety of people’s health has to be prioritised.
Eventually all this will come to an end and we will all be able to go about our business as normal. But in the mean time it’s just a case of getting ready for what will be a new era, one that will hopefully bring many new finds to the market, new friends and events.
At the time of writing we are in yet another lock-down here in the UK and awaiting December 2nd for updates for what comes next. Roll on 2021 and fingers crossed the vaccines that are being developed and apparently imminent in there roll out actually work.
So we are now coming out of a national lock-down to find that the government has now replaced most of the country with more tiered restrictions. How can any business make plans? News on the role out of vaccines is good news and I hope it can be rolled out quickly, to whom, where and when is the burning question.
Merry Christmas everyone although I have to say not so merry for some who find themselves in Tier 4 areas where its effectively a continuation of the UK national lockdown.
This continued Covid scenario reminds me of the saying ‘is the cure of the illness worse than the illness itself’!
Anyway whatever your situation stay positive, this time next year we could all be looking back at this and appreciating our freedoms in a different light.
And a Happy New year!
This antique tools website has a built in auction system for bidding on the tools, it also has a members area to restrict tracking apps and a built in forum for members to discuss anything tool related, securely.
Members can watch individual tool lots and it has a proxy bid system that facilitates proxy bids.
We auction Antique tools and collectable old tools and those user grade tools that are are in exceptional near mint condition.
It’s fun and a rewarding pursuit that has engrossed lots of tool collectors for many years. It’s an interest that gets you out and about, involves research into tool makers history and talking to others who have a common interest.
It’s the hunt for collectable tools that many get thrills from, the fact that knowledge can pay handsomely to fund the bigger purchases in your tool collection is the icing onto the cake.